Journal Papers
(* Corresponding author; __ Advisees)
- Hennessy, E.* and Ai, C. (2023). “A Comparative Analysis of Pedestrian Network Connectivity and Accessibility Using Network Approximation.” Journal of Transport Geography. 111, 103637. [Link].
- Wang, W., Cui, D., Ai, C., Zaheer, Q., Wang, J.*, Qiu, S., Li, F., and Xiong, J. (2023). “Target-free recognition of cable vibration in complex backgrounds based on computer vision.” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 197, 110392. [Link].
- Ryan, A.*, Ai, C., Fitzpatrick, C., and Knodler, M. (2023). “Developing a Geospatial Safety Analysis Tool: A Systematic Approach to Identify Safety-Critical Horizontal Curve Segments and Hazardous Contributing Factors.” Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems. 149(7), 04023051. [Link].
- Wang, J., Ai, C., Chen, Y., A, R., Wang, W., and Qiu, S.* (2023). “Position-track-time Three-dimensional Network Model Based Optimization for Train Timetable and Station Operation Plan of High-speed Railway.” Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering. 38(6), 720-738. [Link].
- Ren, Y.*, Lu, P., Dai, Z., Ai, C., and Tolliver, D. (2023). “Risk-Based Rail Gage Inspection Using iPhone 12 Pro.” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit. 237(4), 429–437. [Link].
- Ryan, A.*, Hennessy, E., Ai, C., Kwon, W., Fitzpatrick, C., and Knodler, M. (2022). “Driver Performance at Horizontal Curves: Bridging Critical Research Gaps to Increase Safety.” Traffic Safety Research. 3, 000014. [Link].
- Hou, Q., Ai, C.*, and Boudreau, N. (2022). “Network-level Guardrail Extraction Based on 3-D Local Features from Mobile LiDAR Sensor.” Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 36(6), 04022035. [Link].
- Hou, Q., and Ai, C.* (2022). “An Automated Sound Barrier Inventory Method Using Mobile LiDAR.” Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems. 148(10), 04022078. [Link].
- Ren, Y.*, Ai, C., Lu, P., Dai, Z., and Wang, H. (2022). “An Automated Rail Extraction Framework for Low-density LiDAR Data without Sensor Configuration Information.” IEEE Sensors Journal, 22(13), 13234. [Link].
- Tzortzinis, G., Ai, C., Breña, S., and Gerasimidis, S.* (2022). “Using 3D Laser Scanning for Estimating the Capacity of Corroded Steel Bridge Girders: Experiments, Computations and Analytical Solutions.” Engineering Structures, 265(2022), 114407. [Link].
Deliali, A.*, Tainter, F., Ai, C., and Christofa, E. (2022). “A Framework for Mode Classification in Multimodal Environments Using Radar-based Sensors.” Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems: Technology, Planning, and Operations. (Online First). [Link].
- Ryan, A.*, Ai, C., Fitzpatrick, C., and Knodler, M. (2022). “Crash Proximity and Equivalent Property Damage Calculation Techniques: An Investigation using a Novel Horizontal Curve Dataset.” Accident Analysis & Prevention, 166, 106550. [Link].
- Hu, W., Wang, W., Ai, C., Wang, J., Wang, W., Meng, X., Liu, J., Tao, H., and Qiu, S.* (2021). “Machine Vision-based Surface Crack Analysis for Transportation Infrastructure.” Automation in Construction, 132(2021), 103973. [Link].
- Ren, Y., Lu, P.*, Ai, C., Gao, L., Qiu, S., and Tolliver, D. (2021).“Emerging Rail TrackInspection for Local Lines: A Review.” ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, 147(10), 04021062. [Link].
- Hennessy, E.*, and Ai, C. “Roadway Lighting and Non-Motorist Crashes: A Spatial Comparison of Cambridge, MA.” (2021). Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2675(7), 491-500. [Link].
- Keramati, A., Lu, P.*, Ren, Y., Tolliver, D., and Ai, C. (2021). “Investigating the Effectiveness of Safety Countermeasures at Highway-Rail At-Grade Crossings Using a Competing RiskModel.” Journal of Safety Research, 78(2021), 251-261. [Link].
- Ryan, A.*, Ai, C., Knodler, M., and Fitzpatrick, C. (2020). “Evaluation of Small Unmanned Aerial System Highway Volume and Speed-Sensing Applications.” IET Intelligent Transportation Systems, 15(1), 84-97. [Link].
- Hou, Q., and Ai, C.* (2020). “A Network-level Sidewalk Inventory Method Using Mobile LiDAR and Deep Learning.” Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 119, 102772. [Link].
- Ai, C., Xu, G., and Qiu, S.* (2019). “An Anisotropic Heat Diffusion Model for Enhancing the Extraction of Underground Rail Track Fasteners under Extremely Low and Uneven Illumination Conditions.” Proceedings of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 233(4), 410-419. [Link].
- Ai, C., Qiu, S.*, Xu, G., Zhang, A., and Wang, C. (2018). “A Non-Ballasted Rail Track Slab Crack Identification Method Using a Level Set Based Active Contour Model.” Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 33(7), 571-584. [Link].
- Tsai, Y., Pranav, C.P.*, Wu, Y., and Ai, C.. (2018). “Identification of Site Characteristics for Proactive High-Friction Surface Treatment Site-Selection Using Sensor-Based, Detailed, Location-Referenced Curve Characteristics Data.” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2672(38), 69-80. [Link].
- Tsai, Y. and Ai, C.*. (2017). “Automated Superelevation Measurement Method Using a Low-Cost Device: An Efficient, Cost-Effective Approach Toward Intelligent Horizontal Curve Safety Assessment.” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2621(1), 62-70. [Link].
- Ai, C.* and Tsai, Y. (2016). “Automated Traffic Sign Retroreflectivity Condition Assessment Using Mobile LIDAR and Computer Vision.” Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 63, 96-113. [Link].
- Ai, C.*, and Tsai, Y. (2016). “Automated Sidewalk Assessment Method for Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance Using Three-Dimensional Mobile Lidar.” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2542(1), 25-32. [Link].
- Ai, C.* and Tsai, Y. (2015). ”Automatic Horizontal Curve Identification and Measurement Method Using GPS Data.” ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, 141(2), 04014078. [Link].
- Ai, C.* and Tsai, Y. (2015). “Critical Assessment of an Enhanced Traffic Sign Detection Method Using Mobile LiDAR and INS Technologies.” ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, 141(5), 04014096. [Link].
- Ai, C.* and Tsai, Y. (2015). “Geometry Preserving Active Polygon-Incorporated Sign Detection Algorithm.” ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 29(6), 04014092. [Link].
- Tsai, Y., Ai, C.*, Wang Z., and Pitts, E. (2013). “Mobile Cross Slope Measurement Method Using LiDAR Technology.” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2367(1), 53–62. [Link].
- Tsai, Y., Wu, Y.*, Ai, C., and Pitts, E. (2012). ”Critical Assessment of Measuring Concrete Joint Faulting Using 3D Continuous Pavement Profile Data.” ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, 138(11), 1291–1296. [Link].
- Tsai, Y.*, Dusanter, T., Wu, Y., Ai, C. and Caitucoli, Q. (2012). “Automatic Truck Processing Time Extraction at Marine Container Terminal Gates Using Low Frame Rate Images.” Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 16(4), 211–225. [Link].
- Ai, C., and Tsai, Y.* (2012). ”Hybrid Active Contour–Incorporated Sign Detection Algorithm.” ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 26(1), 28–36. [Link].
- Ai, C., Tsai, Y., Wang, Z., and Yezzi, A. “Systems and Methods for Identifying Traffic Control Devices and Testing the Retroreflectivity of the Same.” U.S. Patent US9767371 B2 (Granted on Sept. 19th, 2017). [Link].
Technical Reports
- Ai, C. and Hou, Q. (2022). “Low-Cost Crowdsourcing-Based Infrastructure Mapping for Pedestrian Accessibility.” MassVenture. [Report upon request][UMass News][MassVenture News].
- Ai, C. and Hennessy, E. (2022). “A Method for Pavement Marking Inventory and Retroreflectivity Condition Assessment Using Mobile LiDAR.” Massachusetts Department of Transportation, Report No. 22-030. [Link].
- Ai, C. and Hou, Q. (2022). “Automated Guardrail Inventory and Condition Evaluation.” Massachusetts Department of Transportation, Report No. 21-031. [Link].
- Christofa, E., Ai, C., Deliali, A., Tainter, F., Cesic, L., Hannon, T., and Kostopoulou, E. (2021). “Effectiveness of Bike Boxes in Massachusetts.” Massachusetts Department of Transportation, Report No. 21-021. [Link].
- Fitzpatrick, C., Knodler, M., Ryan, A., Ai, C., and Chen, D. (2019). “The Application of Unmanned Aerial Systems in Surface Transportation-Volume II-C: Evaluation of UAS Highway Speed-Sensing Application.” Massachusetts Department of Transportation, Report No. 19-010. [Link].
- Ai, C., and Hou, Q. (2019). “Improving Pedestrian Infrastructure Inventory in Massachusetts using Mobile LiDAR.” Massachusetts Department of Transportation, Report No. 19-007. [Link][AASHTO Sweet Sixteen 2020].
- Tsai, Y., Ai, C., and Wu, Y. (2017). “Curve Identification for High Friction Surface Treatment (HFST) Installation Recommendation.” Georgia Department of Transportation 15-05. [Link].
- Tsai, Y., Wang, Z., and Ai, C. (2017). “Implementation of Automatic Sign Inventory and Pavement Condition Evaluation on Georgia’s Interstate Highways.” Georgia Department of Transportation 15-11. [Link][AASHTO Sweet Sixteen 2017][Georgia Tech News].
- Tsai, Y., and Ai, C. (2016). “Delta TechOps Parking Lot Traffic and Employee Safety Improvement Study.” Final Report, Delta TechOps RG274. [Report upon request].